Y ayer, de la nada, llegó. Casi 8 meses después, al abrirla y leerla, volví a experimentar uno de los sentimientos mas puros y nobles que aun tiene el ser humano, el sentimiento de ser agradecido.
La transcribo tal y como la escribí originalmente. Y de nuevo, a todos, Gracias.
June 7, 2012
Having achieved one of the most important and significant goals in my professional life, it is time to say THANK YOU to all the people and institutions that had a lot (or a significant little) to do with my decision to embrace this journey:
- To that company that declined a great job offering because I didn't have an MBA. THANK YOU for pinching my pride and helping me move forward.
- To my wife, Yazmín, for her love, support and understanding in these turbulent 2 years. THANK YOU for being the motor in this crazy ride. I love you.
- To my son, Aure Jr, for that smile you gave me every weekend I got home late from classes. For saying "Daddy!" and running directly into my arms with no hard feelings. THANK YOU, you are mi little T-Bird.
- To my family, to my parents and sisters, for their support and encouragement. THANK YOU for setting a strong foundation on this misfit son of yours.
- To my fellow classmates.The true and living learning came from you. You are the difference in the world, your intelligence, good humor and friendship is unvaluable. THANK YOU for letting me into your lives and for the constant sharing.
- To Thunderbird and Tec de Monterrey. THANK YOU for joining forces to create this global program. For selecting a great group of professors and staff that lead us through the way and planted the seed of global mindset and world citizenship in every one of us.
And finally, to life, THANK YOU for letting me be a part of one of it's nicests pleasures: The pleasure to become a better human being.
Aureliano García
Glendale, Arizona
Thunderbird School of Global Management
June 7, 2012
Do Something!